خرید Orofacial Disorders, 1st Edition

خرید Orofacial Disorders, 1st Edition

کتاب دندانپزشکی Orofacial Disorders, 1st Edition

کتاب اختلالات دهانی ویرایش اول

This cutting-edge book is a quick reference guide to the evidence-based evaluation, diagnosis, and management of the broad spectrum of orofacial disorders. Each chapter is devoted to a particular disease or disorder and presents advances in our understanding of the condition, the most recent evaluation and diagnostic strategies, and up-to-date treatment approaches. In addition, strategies for integration of care into routine dental practice are explained, and information provided on how to comprehensively diagnose and manage orofacial disorders. The coverage encompasses the latest technological advances in the field, such as novel pharmaceuticals, diagnostic tools, gene transfer techniques, radiotherapy modalities, and a vast array of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches including complementary and alternative therapies for orofacial disorders.Although the management of orofacial disorders is emerging as a distinct field of dentistry, many dentists and physicians are unfamiliar with recent advances in the care of patients with these disorders including orofacial pain, oral lesions and cancer, malodor, xerostomia, obstructive sleep apnea, bruxism and oral parafunctional behaviors, temporomandibular disorders, occlusal dysesthesias, orofacial neuropathic pains, and headaches. This book, written by world class experts, is deliberately geared to the level of understanding of a clinician. It will serve as an ideal evidence-based reference and source of specific clinical recommendations in daily practice.


مشخصات فنی خرید Orofacial Disorders, 1st Edition

مشخصات محصول
عنوان کتاب به انگلیسی Orofacial Disorders, 1st Edition
نویسنده João N. A. R. Ferreira (Editor), James Fricton (Editor), Nelson Rhodus (Editor)
ناشر Springer; 1st ed. 2017 edition (July 6, 2017)
تاریخ چاپ ۱۴۰۲
شابک/ISBN ۹۷۸-۳۳۱۹۵۱۵۰۷۶
قطع رحلی
نوع جلد شومیز
تعداد صفحات 367
مناسب رده سنی بزرگسالان

پیک زبان فروش انواع کتاب های زبان خارجی انگلیسی , آلمانی , فرانسه ,ترکی استانبولی و دیگر زبان های زنده دنیا در قالب های  آموزشی , دانشگاهی , مهارتی , آزمون ها و... در فروشگاه اینترنتی پیک زبان شاپ با کادری مجرب و با سابقه فراهم گردیده است. متقاضیان محترم می توانند در کمترین زمان ممکن بدون مراجعه حضوری از تمامی نقاط کشور اقدام به خرید اینترنتی کتاب زبان نمایند.

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